For Educators

Teaching Philosophy

order now autism social skills teenagers with aspergersThe Mike’s Crush curriculum and videos are unique in the way they teach relationship and social skills to young people on the autism spectrum, or who have intellectual or learning disabilities. Real-life situations, using professional actors, facilitate open and honest conversations about difficult topics such as hygiene, making friends, romantic relationships, and legal and illegal behavior.

The video shows two different ways that a teenager attempts a romantic relationship with a girl he has a crush on. The video, with original music (Reboot my Heart), shows how grooming, respecting social boundaries, listening, and paying attention to what the other person is thinking and feeling make a difference. The accompanying curriculum facilitates an open exchange of ideas about these sensitive topics. The curriculum, designed for teachers and other professionals, uses evidence-based treatments in all eight lessons.

Why It Works

Mike’s Crush works because it is teacher tested and research based. It was developed with input from students, families and educators — and young people relate to our videos. The evidenced-based treatments we use, as defined by the National Autism Center’s National Standards Project, are listed below.

Established treatments:

  • Modeling
  • Peer Training
  • Story-Based Intervention
  • Naturalistic Teaching Strategies

Emerging treatments:

  • Social-Skills Package
  • Scripting
  • Theory of Mind

Because of our engaging videos and interactive lessons, students are motivated to learn skills that can reduce their anxiety about all types of peer relationships.

A parent says:
“It gave me the opportunity to actually discuss many issues with my daughter — because she could actually SEE and HEAR each situation… Mike’s Crush gets an A+!”

Carol Amaradio
Parent of a 19-year-old daughter with Autism

A teenager says:
“Mike’s Very Bad Day is stunning with its realism and can connect with anyone in America. The actual location is never given, but this is a blessing because teens can imagine Mike living in their hometown. The creators may have been going for this, or maybe not, but this makes it all the better. The camera work is excellent and the editing spot-on.
★★★★★★★★★★ (10 out of 10 stars)”

Robert, 17 years old


Most teens have crushes, and we know that understanding the difference between a crush and stalking is critical. Social Signals’ videos involve students by showing extreme “bad day” situations, and then a positive alternative using video modeling. The curriculum uses multiple modalities to teach complex adolescent relationship skills. Students who use our materials have the opportunity to watch and practice a range of healthy solutions to common but difficult teenage experiences.

Students start each lesson by watching the videos, and then use the activities included in each lesson. The lessons have been designed so that they can be used with students who have a wide range of abilities. Additional practice may be necessary using role-playing to practice specific situations in a safe environment. Sometimes it is helpful if the students act out the Mike’s Crush script, which is included in the curriculum. Video self-modeling (VSM) is used so the students can observe what others are seeing, and then use their new skills with peers. The Mike’s Crush curriculum and DVD teach the social skills needed to have healthy relationships, both romantically and as a friend.Mike’s Crush Curriculum and DVD

    • Uses evidenced-based treatments as defined by the National Autism Center’s National Standards Project, including modeling, peer training, story-based intervention, naturalistic teaching strategies, a social-skills package, scripting, and theory of mind.
    • Is classroom tested for middle school and high school students who are on the autism spectrum, as well as students who have learning and intellectual disabilities.
    • Mike’s Crush DVD includes:
      • A “bad day” video and a “good day” video that demonstrate the right and wrong ways to handle difficult situations.
      • Mike’s Very Bad Day (9:38 minutes)
      • Mike’s Good Day at School (7:09 minutes)
      • Five separate video chapters that compare “bad day” and “good day” segments.
      • Closed-caption videos.
    • Teacher Manual (112 pages) includes:
      • Detailed teacher instructions.
      • Eight lessons designed to be fun and engaging.
      • Handout materials, which are also included on the DVD
        • Student assessment.
        • Worksheets.
        • Quizzes.
        • Actual video script.
        • A blank script so students can write their own play or video.
      • Multiple activities that practice healthy relationship skills.

Target Audience

Students: Middle school and high school students in autistic-support, life skills, learning support, and emotional-support classes, as well as social-skills groups. Recommended for ages 11 to 24.

Educators: Special education teachers; guidance counselors; health education teachers; social workers; speech pathologists; psychologists; and behavior consultants.

Other Professionals: Therapists; community-based behavior consultants; professionals working with problematic/offending sexual behavior; community-based socialization groups; sexuality educators; and those who provide community-based services to adolescents and adults who have a wide range of disabilities.