Families Resources

Autism-Community – A great community with plenty of ideas and information.

Teen Autism – Great blog posts on everything from puberty and dating to parenting and self-esteem.

The AutSpot – Blogs, groups, and forums.

Online Support Groups for Children with Autism and Asperger’s – It helps to talk.

Resource Library – Autism Speaks has a great online library full of useful tools and information.

Wrong Planet – An online community for people with, and parents of someone with, autism or Asperger’s.

SAARC is for those in the Southwestern United States; a great source for events and support.

The Special Needs Store – Anything you could want for your special needs.

The Coffee Klatch has a regular radio show, blog posts, and lots of great content.

The Autism Education Site – information on news, schools, and summer camps.

Aspienaut – One of our favorite blogs. The author writes beautifully and gives great insight into the mind of a man with Asperger’s.

Social Thinking – Puberty; expected and unexpected behavior

Educators Resources

General Suggestions

  • Use books with clear and concrete pictures.
  • Practice in private, and then apply information in real-world situations.
  • Many regular education materials can be adapted for use with ASD students.
  • Use videos and visual aids whenever possible.
  • Take advantage of teachable moments.



  1. American Girl: The Care and Keeping of YOU
  2. Autistics’ Guide to Dating: A Book by Autistics, for Autistics and Those Who Love Them or Who Are in Love with Them, by Emilia Murry Ramey and Jody John Ramey
  3. Boy’s Guide to Becoming a Teen, by Kate Gruenwald Pfeifer, LCSW, and Amy B. Middleman, MD, MSEd, MPH (www.josseybass.com)
  4. Girl’s Guide to Becoming a Teen, by Kate Gruenwald Pfeifer, LCSW, and Amy B. Middleman, MD, MSEd, MPH (www.josseybass.com)
  5. Robie Harris sexuality education books for children (regular education):
    It’s Not the Stork!
    It’s Perfectly Normal
    It’s So Amazing
  6. Taking Care of Myself, by Mary Wrobel
  7. The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships, by Temple Grandin, PhD

Curriculum and Videos

  1. Social Signals (www.socialsignalsED.com) –
    Videos and curriculum designed for students on the autism spectrum
  2. Human Reproduction and Childbirth (www.hrmvideo.com) –
    Human Relations Media (HRM) — Regular education
  3. Flirting or Hurting? When It Is Okay, When It Is Harassment (www.hrmvideo.com) –
    Human Relations Media (HRM) — Regular education