Mike’s Crush For Families
- 2 videos Mike’s Very Bad Day and Mike’s Good Day at School
- 5 separate video chapters paring the Good Day and Bad Day for easy comparison
- 34 page Booklet with six topics that are coordinated with the DVD
- All videos are closed captioned
- Recommended for ages 11-21
- Classroom tested for middle and high school students who have intellectual disabilities or are on the autism spectrum
[cc_product sku=”001″ display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]
Mike’s Crush DVD and Curriculum
- 2 videos Mike’s Very Bad Day and Mike’s Good Day at School
- 5 separate video chapters paring the Good Day and Bad Day for easy comparison
- 112 page teachers manual with detailed teacher instructions and eight lessons
- Student assessment, worksheets, quizzes, blank script, scripts of both videos
- All videos are closed captioned
- Recommended for ages 11-21
- Classroom tested for middle and high school students on the autism spectrum
[cc_product sku=”002″ display=”inline” quantity=”true” price=”true”]