Ask Nancy

Ask Nancy is designed to be a safe place to ask hard questions.

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    I have experience working with children, adolescents, and adults with many different disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, autism, and Asperger’s. For over 10 years I have dealt with many complex issues, working closely with families, schools, and agencies.

    When asking a question, please indicate if you prefer a private response or if I can also post the answer on our Facebook page and website so that others can learn from your situation.

    Some questions may be too complex for a simple answer, or serious enough that finding local resources may be necessary to get the support needed. Social Signals is not able to find local resources for you.

    This product is designed solely as a general aid to teaching healthy relationships to students and adults who have autism, Asperger’s, and intellectual disabilities. This is not a replacement for a comprehensive educational program designed to teach these skills. Families using this DVD should coordinate the use of this DVD with all educational professionals working with their family member.

    No information contained in this product should be construed as addressing an individual’s specific relationship problem or need for sexuality education, medical, developmental, health care, or legal advice for any individual problem or circumstance.

    This product or advise is not a substitute for relationship counseling, sexuality education, medical, developmental, health care, or legal advice, or for services from a qualified provider familiar with your unique facts.

    Nothing contained in this product or the recommendations that are made are intended to be used as an individual assessment that determines necessary relationship counseling, sexuality education, medical, developmental, therapeutic, or legal assessment, diagnosis, or treatment.